Superkick and Superkick and Superkick and Sigh.



Growing up as wrestling fans we all have that one move that we all waited to see week after week.  Some people waited on the edge of their seat for The Rock to hook an opponent for the Rock Bottom; others prefer Undertaker grabbing his victim for the chokeslam, and others (most fans) love the instant impact of the Stone Cold Stunner. Some people even get excited for an AA or a Superman Punch (For the record I don’t mind Roman Reigns he’s just not ready to be THE man yet). For me it’s the one and only Sweet Chin Music. Whether it’s after HBK has tuned up the band or a quick fire, desperation finishers the SCM will forever be my favourite finisher.

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Bray F’N Wyatt!!


Over the past couple of years there is no denying that Bray and co has had some major moments in WWE. The extremely creepy and effective feud with John Cena comes to mind. But after a couple years of every single feud/story starting the same way, some fans – me included- have begun to get bored with the Eater of Worlds. There was a time when the lights cut out and the ever eerie image of Eric Rowan’s goat mask flashing up made every fan around the world excited. Why was he here and who would be foolish enough to stand in his way? But recently when Rowan flashes in screen fans are filled with a sigh of “here we go again”.

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Mauro Ranallo : The Saviour of the Announce Table


Many aspects go into the production of the WWE shows. Aside from the talent, there are and endless number of roles and jobs ranging from camera crew, to ring crew, to the production and editing staff. Of these jobs I think one of the more important roles is that of the announce team. It’s the job of the three men at the table to convey to the TV Audience the sense of  energy, excitement and at times the drama, of the action in the ring.

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